I don’t know about you, but the best part of my workday is all of the eating that happens throughout it. (This, of course, said with total respect for and enjoyment of my coworkers!) Breakfast? I’m thrilled! Snack time #1? I’m elated! Snack time #2? I’m buoyed all over again! But lunch? Lunch is always more disappointing than I think it’s going to be. And while I oftentimes try to jazz up whatever I’m squishing together at 6 a.m. for 11.30 a.m.-2 p.m. consumption, I also oftentimes fail.
But I’ve recently realized I don’t have to fail if I go back to basics. Between a few of the below quick-and-painless (and so very good!) sandwich recipes and our 2024 Starch Madness bracket, I’ve found that returning to the straightforward sandwich can absolutely change the trajectory of a work day. Or any day, for that matter!
Below, you’ll find some quick sandwiches that come together quickly, hold their integrity well, and are deeply satisfying despite the lack-of-lift it takes to create them. Happy lunching!
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